They say that you should do what you love. The unfortunate thing is that sometimes what you love does not pay a bill, or offer up a nice health care plan. So, you put aside some dreams, find a job that does compensate you for your work and you take your passions and turn them into hobbies! Oh, not like arts and crafts hobbies…I’m actually terrible at those and have the scars to prove it!
I have taken my journalism dreams and over the past year and manifested my passion for writing into a little thing I titled: My Revamped Life and guys, it’s been a total joy. I have had the ability to get my thoughts out there on some mildly heavy topics, International Women’s Day and demanding the media do better for women to the important things like fall scented candles. Along the way I have had the opportunity to meet women whose work and hustle I admire. Sometimes it feels weird and like the right fit for me that this side hustle (that makes no money haha) has afforded me some really amazing opportunities and great stories to tell at parties.
Speaking of parties, 11 years ago my roommate Amie and I met at work but didn’t get to know one another until bonding one night at a party over warm Yuengling beer. Flash forward to fall 2017, and we’ve had our ups and downs, we’ve had major life moments and we’ve had stupid, silly, hilarious moments that have us crying from laughter. She was one of the first people that I shared my blogging ideas with and has waited patiently for me, without rolling her eyes TOO much, to take the perfect happy hour photo and write the perfect Instagram caption.
We joke around all of the time that we’d make a great reality show but we aren’t entirely sure people would find us as funny as we think we are or watch the show. Enter, our hair-brained idea: Let’s start a podcast! Since the start of our friendship, we would pick apart pop culture during happy hours or even on our Instant Messenger at work. We even agreed to leave work and run to a bar to watch the Casey Anthony trial verdict announcement if we could get away. We didn’t, but Casey did and we are still upset about this. Moving on…haha, Amie even messaged me at work today: “Have you heard the news??! David and Shannon Beador…OVER!” Babes, this is what friendship looks like.
So one night when we were chatting about our day, as we usually do, it dawned on me…we should start a podcast about podcasts. It’s kind of what we talk about…a lot! Often I’ve paused the TV to tell Amie about what I heard on the Ladygang podcast, or she’ll introduce me to a new true crime podcast or even political ones. If I learned anything from my chat with Lauryn Evarts of The Skinny Confidential it’s to niche down. And what is MORE niche than a podcast about podcasts?
So, friends, readers, mom…welcome to Podcast Rewind, a weekly podcast show about all of the podcasts that we can’t stop listening to! If you’re looking to get into the podcast world and don’t know what shows to start with, join us! Each week we’ll be sharing with one another the podcast that week that really grabbed our attention. We’ll give special shoutouts to others that had us laughing, learning or just creeped out. And sometimes, we’ll even discuss a podcast we both listened to and maybe agree or disagree over it.
We’d love your feedback, the list of podcasts you’re listening to, and any other ideas you have so please feel free to email us at: and if you want to follow along on this venture you can find us on Instagram and Twitter at @PodcastRWD. Also, run to Instagram and get to know one of my many BFFs and podcasting partner in crime, Amie Randolph, @imamierandolph.
Also, guys…just like getting into Harvard getting your podcast approved and on to iTunes isn’t really that hard! You can follow, subscribe, rate us 5 stars and leave us a comment so we can kick that algorithm’s butt and move on up in the podcasting world. So click the link below and get started…this week Amie and I dive into the world of Love + Radio podcast, My Favorite Murder and a few more! Click the link, pour a glass and get ready to make this your new favorite podcast!
Awesome Podcast advice. This is part of my 2018 goals and I have earmarked the post for a revisit.
I love to hear that!! Come back and let me know what your podcast link is!! xoxo, erika
Ooh! I love podcasts! Can’t wait to listen to yours!
Thanks so much! I hope you love it, and if you do be sure to let me know what podcasts you listen to so we can recap your favorites in the future! xoxo, erika
What a great concept!! I tend to listen to health/wellness/lifestyle podcasts like Almost 30 and Soul on Fire. I also really love The Influencer Podcast!
Oh I’m adding these to my list and checking the out!! Thank you! xo, Erika