Recently, okay maybe since the November time frame, I’ve begun to understand how The Universe works; how it has a place in our lives, and even in our work lives. See, I used to think things like The Secret or The Universe were super hokey and would identify sage burning, journaling, and meditation as ‘hippie-dippie stuff.” I will be the first to tell you I’m wrong here and that whatever anyone wants to do to bring themselves peace and a calming, clear path in their life is up to them and none of my business. But now, it is my business because now I, too, believe in The Universe.
Maybe you reference a higher power as The Universe or deal deeply with spiritual beliefs. Whatever you want to call it: God, Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, The Universe, Source Energy, etc, we often find it is easier to give up things to a higher being because we don’t know all of the answers and it’s nice to think that someone/something is looking out for us.
I started to dip a toe into The Universe work back in the Fall with Gabby Bernstein’s “The Universe Has Your Back” on Audible as I headed out to the Gulf Coast for a long weekend with Mom and Dad. I was instantly hit over the head with a thousand thoughts and needed to learn more. I have talked about Anna Wood before, and recently she has found her journey with The Universe and is working to spread the message on Instagram and YouTube. I instantly started to follow and download her work and learn, absorb, and practice as much as I could.
My biggest takeaway from everything that I was learning was about the power of attraction. Basically in a TL;DR kind of way: Like attracts Like. If I wake up feeling happy and at ease then I’m definitely going to hit all of the green lights on the way to work and even bounce in singing a song in my head knowing that I’m about to have a great day. But if I wake up in a funk, well then I’m probably going to invite negative in and I am most certainly hitting all of the red lights on the way to work. The positive or negative voice in our head can also control how we see ourselves in the world.
For instance, if you wake up thinking ‘I’m going to tackle the day and be productive’ then there’s a good chance you won’t be sidetracked by that new episode of Below Deck: Sailing on your DVR. Why? Because you see yourself being productive during the day and not watching TV. When we shift the dial in our brains to ‘positive thinking only’ great things can happen and we can change the narrative in our head. So, on the flip side, if we let the negative seep into our thoughts, shitty things can happen if we aren’t careful.
This is how I came to realize: I manifested losing my job.
Okay, this is a few years ago and I’m NOT talking about our current crisis that we are all facing, but this was back in the Spring of 2018. I shared with you how I lost my job as the Project Manager of MagicBands due to an internal reorganization, and these happen all of the time, so you never know where the chips may fall. But, after learning more about The Universe, and the power of attraction, I’m pretty confident that I asked The Universe to hand me the pink slip!
See, a few months prior in the Fall of 2017, my leader left our department and the company (on his own accord), and then a couple of weeks after that our VP was let go in a reorg. I was at a local cafe doing work as I was waiting on my car to get an oil change when I heard the news. And that my friends would be the exact time and place when I started to think “I’m next…I’m going to lose my job. The other shoe is about to drop.”
The thought of losing my job ran through my head about a dozen times a day. I couldn’t stop thinking about when my call would come in that I was next. I would talk about it with my friends and share my fears that were taking over my everyday thoughts. I even began to stress about what hadn’t happened yet so much that my left eye would twitch about 50% of the time. And so on that March day in 2018 when I saw the dreaded meeting invite in my email inbox, my whole body started to tremble and I knew what was about to happen to me.
GUYS! The Universe WORKS! It heard me for a solid four months think, dream, and talk about losing my job and it delivered. I lost my job. But, I didn’t know that then and I wouldn’t for another year and a half.
Now, realizing that I had manifested this job loss was not on the top of my list to think about, and in fact, wouldn’t be a realization for almost two years. At that moment in March 2018, I had a job to do, and I went into a full fight or flight mode. Without thinking a new mantra had moved into my everyday thoughts: I am not done with Disney. Disney will not tell me when I stop working here, I will let Disney know when I am done.
GUYS! The Universe WORKS! It heard me for a solid two weeks think, dream, and talk about getting another job at Disney and it delivered. I got a new job! But, I didn’t know that then and I wouldn’t for another year and a half.
It was during that time in the Fall of 2019, a year and a half later, when I began learning about The Universe and how our way of thinking can change, alter, affect, and move the course of our life along and without our knowledge. My epiphany came somewhere on I4 driving home to Orlando from a weekend with my parents, to a job that I adore, when I realized “I manifested my current job!” Then it slapped me across my face “You also accidentally manifested losing a job, idiot!”
I realized The Universe had been eavesdropping on me since I was able to think a thought. It hears everything that we say, even that quiet voice that lives inside of us. That voice/thought that we don’t share with anyone, just some of our deepest thoughts, desires, and ultimately our fears. Yup, The Universe has a way of hearing that, too.
I shared with you that about a little over a year ago I was itching to get back to a role where I could interact with our Guests and impact our Cast at the same time. To flow between a line of business and the operation as that connecting thread that made sure everyone was on the same page. I thought about what it was that I wanted, and formulated a response anytime I did a meet or greet, or had a hallway chat with a previous colleague about what I was looking for next: I’m looking to get back into a Project Management role with an emphasis on communication, working on projects that our Cast Members integrate and ultimately impact our Guests vacation creating magic and excitement.
I even joked with friends that I was “putting it out in The Universe or something”…oh, it turns out, I was! It was a mantra that I shared over and over again not just with myself and that tiny inner voice, but with others for almost four months. Others heard it and shared my mantra anytime someone asked: “Oh, what’s the next role Erika is looking for?” The Universe couldn’t ignore my vibe, it was high and I was shouting from the rooftops of what I was looking to attract into my life. A little over a year ago, when I accepted a Temporary Assignment Project Manager role within Premium Services, I even changed the mantra to “I will be a statused PM within a year” and this past November…well, your girl got statused.
All of this happened in The Universe without my awareness of what was going on. But, now I know and I am awake to the power that we hold inside and am confident that The Universe is always listening to us and it is our responsibility in our life to be thoughtful and careful with our words because He/She/They/It is always listening.
So, this is my story. This is how I realized that my thoughts and actions were working for, and definitely against me. It’s why I light sage and have crystals and yup, even meditate. Something changed that day in the car listening to Gabby Bernstein and for that, I am forever grateful! I’ll be back with a few ways you can start to change your inner dialogue and even dip a toe into The Universe waters and how you can apply it to your career…but until then, I need another iced coffee!
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