The other day I received my official 10-year plaque at my company and it is insane to think that I’ve been in Orlando that long and working on my career for over a decade! Sometimes, I feel like a FULL ON phony because I cannot believe this is my life and because I still get carded A LOT when I’m out drinking…I can’t actually be an adult can I?
Well, it turns out that I am and with being an adult I get this amazing choice to do nothing sometimes. Being single, and without kids (though if you know a nice, smart, single guy send him my way!) my weekends can really be all about ME! It’s been a crazy few months in my new gig and I’m still drinking from the firehose (will do a post about the new gig soon, promise!), and also tending to family/friendships and traveling. I have just been a girl on the go go go!
So when I was doing my favorite thing the other morning, listening to The Skinny Confidential Him & Her podcast I was completely inspired by what I heard. Host, Lauryn Evarts Bosstick was doing a solo pod all about her most idyllic day in her life. I think we all have one of those “in a perfect world I would do blank” kind of moments. I was beginning to notice that most of what Lauryn was calling out was so much self-care. For her, taking care of her skin and layering on the oils/serums/lotions was great self-care. Walking to her favorite coffee shop in the morning for the perfect cup of joe was self-care. It made me realize that there are so many things that we can be doing to level-up our world and it’s ultimately self-care. Think how luxe it feels to make flavored water at home. I love a cuke-lemon water and feel so bougie when I drink it, but it’s honestly pretty low-budge and not THAT hard.
I realized that this weekend I wanted and needed a full SELF CARE day…but I also wanted to divulge in some Hygge. If you haven’t heard about Hygge (pronounced hue-guh) you also may want to pour a cup of peppermint tea and settle in. Hygge is the Danish concept of acknowledging that a certain moment, event, friendship or experience leaves you feeling extra cozy and charmed.
Think about how yummy your soul feels when you slip into a freshly made bed and the sheets are still warm from the dryer. THAT is Hygge…taking a few moments to enjoy that feeling, relishing in it and knowing that it is the little things that can heal our soul. So, when my boss asked me on Friday what my plans were for this weekend I said: “I’m going to relax and enjoy some ‘me’ time.” As an outgoing extrovert (Ha, could we BE more annoying of a people?) the thought of not having plans can actually give me some serious anxiety; but I realized that I could still take care of me, enjoy the moment, stay in and still have a to-do list.
So, I woke up this morning and I thought…I’m gonna Hygge the shit out of today. And so, I did. If you didn’t get the chance to follow along on my Insta-stories here are just a few things I did to take care of me and my soul:
Hygge Moment 1: I made breakfast (eggs and cold brew always) and then crawled BACK into bed to eat breakfast. This truly warmed my heart because I got to stay comfy in my bed and then also watch the Watch What Happens Live episode with the boys of Queer Eye. They are a walking Hygge!
Hygge Moment 2: I lit a grapefruit candle to bring warmth to my room. There’sΒ something about a candle being lit that just kind of makes you go “mhmm” and so I just knew that leaning into Hygge would require burning my clean, but sweet, Mercanto grapefruit candle a girlfriend bought me for my birthday. I’m all about grapefruit everything so the scent was the perfect one to join me on my Hygge journey!
You’ll notice a lot of this Hygge day…I barely leave my bed, let alone in my bedroom! It was AWESOME!
Hygge Moment 3/4: I created the perfect setting despite the weather! It was a really sunny morning here in Florida and I felt like to be the Hyggeiest I would need some darkness so I drew the shades and tucked in to do some reading on my Kindle and listened to Jazz music.
So then …. the Florida gods heard me out and the sky OPENED y’all. We’re talking power blips: see ya cable, goodbye internet! So I grabbed my Iced Coffee and sat outside and watched the rain storm and just took it all in! It was fully Hygge and became my 5th Hygge moment of the day!
Throughout the day I made sure to keep doing things that I really needed to get done, clean my bathroom (but listen to some great rainy day jazz music), plan out blog posts, organize my closet (but stay hydrated with a nice cold glass of lemon water), and catch up on some TV shows (The Bold Type is the MOST female positive show that you must be watching) all while wearing a sheet mask on my face. Of course, I followed up the sheet mask with some facial massage and face oils…all yummy, all cozy, all Hygge!
I made sure to keep myself busy throughout the day and I don’t feel like I didn’t get anything accomplished, because I did. I don’t feel like I didn’t treat myself because I stayed in all day, because I did. I really got the opportunity to listen to myself, think about what I wanted to do and how could I plus it up to provide the cozy, yummy feeling. I think that the concept of Hygge is something I’m going to add into my every day and think of ways to just be plussing things up around me. What is life if it is not ours to live and enjoy?
Leave me a comment and tell me what is ONE way that you are practicing Hygge? Do you add a lavender honey to your coffee? Are you lighting a candle at work? Tell me because I think I’m all about that Hygge, baby!
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